• ISSN NO : 2582-8010

Author Guidelines

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Authors should submit only papers that have been carefully proof read and polished. Before submission please make sure that your paper is prepared using the journal paper template(For Download Paper template click here ) . This will ensure fast processing and publication. Acceptance or rejection notification will be sent to all authors.

IJLRP invites contribution in the following categories:

  • Original research.
  • Survey/Review articles, providing a comprehensive review on a scientific topic.
  • Fast Communications: Short, self-contained articles on ongoing research.
  • Technical Notes.

We also accept extended version papers of previously published in conferences and/or journals. Submitted papers must be written in English, not exceeding 25 double-column pages IJLRP Paper format. An addition of 5 pages is allowed.

Note (Important)

This is a strict instruction for all the authors that the research paper should be original. The matter of research paper is clearly identified as to its original source, with permission notices from the copyright owners. The undersigned of copyright form represents that the author has the power and the authority to make the execute this assignment.

Although IJLRP does not accepts molded or copied research paper. But still, if there will be any issue then the only author of the research paper will be responsible.

Getting your article published in IJLRP is more simple and efficient than ever. Kindly follow the mentioned link
Submit Manuscript

Kindly download the following template Click here in the right format for your manuscript.

The ideal length of Manuscript should be 4 to 18 pages. However, IJLRP can also accept shorter or longer manuscripts, provided that the scientific content is of high value. Candidate won’t be paying No additional per page charges are required if a manuscript is longer than 18 pages. The submitted manuscripts must include the following listed items:
Download Manuscript Template

Please download the template to format your manuscript.

  • Title
  • List of authors, their affiliations and email addresses
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Main body
  • Results and discussion
  • Conclusions
  • Acknowledgments (optional)
  • References

Please download the checklist to examine your manuscript.

Please ensure that the title is precise and concise. Titles should be presented in title case - all words except the first word should be in lower case letters.

The abstract should be succinct and brief, not exceeding 250 words. Abstract won’t include any citations.

At least 5 to 6 keywords or phrases should be included and to distinguish them separately, commas should be used.

The introduction should have a context or reference for your manuscript. While preparing the introduction, please remember that some readers will be rookie/novice in your field of research.

The main body should include the proposed ideas, discussions, formula, algorithms, logic/rational and results.

The main body should include the proposed ideas, discussions, formula, algorithms, logic/rational and results.

The conclusion would include summarization of paper’s findings by simplifying its importance, discuss obscure data.

A conclusion is where you summarize the paper's findings and generalize their importance, discuss obscure data and recommend further research. An apt and effective conclusion should provide closure for a paper, ensuring the feeling of satisfaction with respect to the explanation of the concepts.

An author can use his/her discretion with respect to acknowledgements. Acknowledgement includes the name of the people who have supported/contributed towards the research work, can also include the funding sources.

IJLRP follows international standards to write the numbered citation technique for reference formation, with chronological numbers in the text, and respective other references as per the Documents in a list at the end of the paper. The list should contain at least 8 to 10 references and should be arranged in the order of citation in text. For more detail just go through manuscript.

After publishing in IJLRP, your article will be presented in the form of PDF and HTML. You can pay attention to IJLRP website to check the Online Version of your article.

Next process subsequent to presenting the article in IJLRP, your article will be shown as PDF. You can emphasis on IJLRP site to check the online version of your article.

Be familiar with the process of article publishing, then you can know exactly where your article is in the whole publication process, such as Article Reviewed, Article Accepted and Article Published.

Be acquainted with the procedure of article publishing, at that point you can know precisely where your article is in the entire publication process, for example, Article Reviewed, Accepted and Published.